The vertical relationship of the overbite

As a rule, the dental arch discrepancies de7 mm more often require extracciones19 orthodontic treatment. The premolars are the teeth most often extracted. In general, the extraction of the first premolars is indicated in patients with large anterior crowding, protrusion of incisors and/ or excessive lip support.

In these cases it requires a bio mechanical maximum anchorage. The extraction of the second premolars is indicated when there is crowding in the middle of the dental arch, and the position of the upper incisors and lip support is adequate. Should also be considered in cases of minimal or moderate posterior anchorage.

After extraction, the teeth of the middle of the arch are to create the necessary orthodontist san diego correction for anterior crowding and the inclination of the lower incisors space. We use anchor control techniques for controlling the position of the incisors as we close the spaces left by extractions. When the space created in the middle of is directly related to Spee19.

We are dealing with orthodontist san diego

La curve is presented in a very variable depending on the malocclusion that with. When we analyze the curve of we quantify the patient using the following terms: deep or concave, flat, and inverted. We say that a curve of is orthodontist san diego moderately deep when the average depth ranges from los2 and4 mm, while a deep or concave curve of See will have a depth of more de4 mm (Figure 2A.); this is typical of patients with severe overbite.

See flat curve is typical of patients with correct overbite. An inverted curve of is typical of patients with anterior open bites. In order to coordinate the dental arches during surgery it is necessary that the curve of is flat or with slight depth and allow a correct horizontal positioning of surgical bone segments without interference fig.

An orthodontist san diego level curve using light arcs. In this initial phase of treatment the correct placement of bands and brackets is very important.

May occur convex

The orthodontist will use a specially designed appliances for a httpp:// system of forces in equilibrium. When the goal is to get an intrusion of the four incisors, we set a maximum posterior anchorage to avoid later extrusive forces. A force of about 100 g (25 g per tooth) will be sufficient to achieve intrusion of four lower incisors and 150g for the upper incisors.

The orthodontic leveling of the curve of can affect the horizontal position of the lower incisors. To avoid excessive enter, advance (horizontal position) and anterior tilt of the incisors, intrusion must orthodontist san diego bow tie very firmly distal to the posterior segment. The curve of and the compensation curve (curve of the upper arch) or inverted, often due to skeletal anterior open bites origin.

We can level them with a combination of orthodontics and surgery (fig. 3A). This implies a level of orthodontic segments in which the anterior and posterior maxillary segments are corrected independently and the disparity between the anterior and posterior occlusion is orthodontic treatment is to obtain an ideal postoperative mastication, as a balanced orthodontist san diego function contributes to the stability of post-surgical patient. Get a good facial harmony and balance, and alignment of the and facial.

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