Recognized in orthodontist san diego

Therefore, the State Council has decided not to include within the mandatory health plan a prerequisite to meeting a catastrophic illness AIDS drug, no threat to the collective right of access to a service infrastructure to ensure public health,.

Because no inclusion of drugs does not prevent people to orthodontist san diego access these when needed by prescription consumption. The regulatory gap that exists around the procedure for access to health services.

That are required, not included within the plan, other than drugs not included, is the main barrier that exists to get them. This failure in the regulation is a lack of protection of health that has been maintained throughout the various reforms.

The Ministry of Social Welfare one of his speeches orthodontist san diego that the decision to restrict access to health care a person requires, other drugs, is deliberate and conscious.

Because you think, mistakenly, that in such a situation the health plan would be unlimited and may include any kind of service. This belief is wrong because that exception in a particular case a person requires.

A health service not included in the POS, and guaranteed access to it, will neither change the POS and include such service. The not included service has been granted access in a particular case.

It remains a service not included in the Plan and may only be authorized in exceptional cases by the specific conditions in which the patient is without prejudice to the experience and studies leading to the regulatory body decides to include the service in the benefit plan.

This regulatory gap, barrier to access to health services will be analyzed later in general terms, in order to take the necessary orders to,a4916730.html prevent further Reprotection of the law see section Inside.

Health services that the system provides mandatory, especially important are services health promotion. First, these services provide a high level of health of a person, because they seek to avoid or reduce the chances of suffering a particular condition on their health.

This ensures greater realization of the right only if the person is guaranteed access to curative health service, once suffer the condition that could have prevented.

Second, the orthodontist san diego prevention of breaches of health may suffer a person is usually carried out by services cost considerably less than the health services that are required to address breaches once they appear.

This is especially relevant in the case of high cost diseases such as HIV AIDS, for which treatment is notoriously expensive, orthodontist san diego both for the effective enjoyment of the right of the person with the disease and in financial terms.

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