The frontal plane can assess

Both can be matched (dental) or surgically (skeletal). The facial midlife clinically obtainable through various references to a patient's face. The middle line selected as goal of treatment should be coincident or in a margin of less than los2 mm with facial to obtain an aesthetically acceptable result.

Maxillary and mandibular apical base are evaluated in a tracing. Point in orthodontist san diego the middle of the roots is seen as the middle line for the respective apical basal orthodontic videos arch. Drawing a line perpendicular to each of these points with orthodontic videos the relative discrepancy of apical midlife.

The symmetry of the dental arch to the mid line and canine region must correspond to the apical and facial symmetry. When the dental mid line is deviated with respect to the mid line apical, this can be corrected by moving the orthodontist san diego incisor orthodontic ally.

A large mandibular dental arch

According to the discrepancy in the length of the dental arch, and of the incisors, to align the mid lines may be necessary to create unilateral extractions or orthodontist san diego tooth spaces to restore symmetry.

If the mean is significantly discrepant apical line regarding dental mid line the best facial or skeletal surgically treat the underlying problem. For an ideal correction of facial asymmetry, maxillary and orthodontic videos mandibular incisors should be aligned with the mid line apical. To assess skeletal transverse dimension level must do an analysis of models (with the help of a semi-adjustable) Class I.

For example, a patient with a skeletal Class III and bilateral posterior cross bite may experience an improvement its transverse relative deficit spontaneously placing models in relation to class I. The axial inclination of the posterior teeth should follow a flat or curved axial shaft should not exceed2 °. Despite a correct axial inclination of the posterior teeth cross bite there we find a transverse skeletal discrepancy.

If the posterior teeth are excessively torqued, orthodontist san diego component will have a cross bite that we treat orthodontic ally. If not identified, we can have a cross bite of skeletal origin camouflaged by compensatory tooth movement. This is due to the action of a force of against a constricted maxillary dental arch.

We can help a orthodontist san diego

The axial inclination of the maxillary posterior teeth is adapted so that the palatal cusp is orthodontic videos in a lower position with respect to its remaining elevated cusps. The surgical rapid palatal expansion is not ideal when skeletal maturity of the patient permits. For bone orthodontist san diego maturation hand and wrist radiography, in which we study the calcification and size ratio between the and of the phalanx of the index finger and calcification.

For mature patients with transverse dimensions outside these narrow limits, the treatment of choice is surgical jaw expansion. The surgical maxillary expansion can be done by a segment maxillary or with a surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion, as indicated by the patient's clinical.

Generally, when a surgical correction is made, the deficit sobrecorrige2 O3 mm transversal21- 22 Insufficient orthodontic videos correction of a transverse deficit will lead to a recurrence of the defect and unstable case. Cross bite of dental origin can be corrected with orthodontics in several ways such as fixed bow with elastic zigzag between arches.

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