Aware of orthodontic preparation

The scientific literature is replete with studies on the diagnosis and treatment plan for patients with deformities. However, there are few articles that integrate the information the orthodontist and the surgeon orthodontist san diego should be orthodontic vocabulary for patients needing surgery.

This article analyzes the major diagnostic considerations orthodontic treatment: vertical and horizontal position of incisor crowding severity, depth of the curve orthodontic vocabulary of, dental transverse symmetry relations and occlusion.

The or Angle Class I described in 1890, was a breakthrough in the development of orthodontics because not only ranked variety of but described the first definition of the humana13 dentition. For a good canine function relationship will be our center looks a Class I canine relationship is key for guidance or canine protection and the occlusion. Subsequent segments shall be well without existence of during lateral movements or mandibular protrusion.

Good function of orthodontist san diego

If orthodontic vocabulary these exist at the end of orthodontic-surgical treatment, the orthodontist will make a study of the occlusion to detect the teeth responsible for the interference. It can perform a selective grinding of the cusps or surfaces always responsible for$x-YC/ interference and when orthodontist san diego an exhaustive study the aid of a semi-adjustable is made.

Postoperative occlusion should allow simultaneous bilateral contacts without interference with the anterior teeth.

The objective of orthodontics is getting an ideal relationship of the mandibular and maxillary teeth relative to their own arcades, regardless of the relationship between the two. To achieve this goal, the orthodontic diagnosis must consider four parameters of the dental arches: mandibular central incisor must have a position that allows precise positioning of the dental arch at the time of surgery and provide processing stability.

Planning the horizontal end of the lower central incisor is based on three factors: crowding in the anterior part of the dentition, and 3) severity curve (described in paragraph dental vertical analysis).

When making decisions regarding the horizontal position of the lower central incisor, the orthodontist san diego must consider the position of the incisors in relation to the alveolar process, the apical base, and the relationship between the lower and upper incisors. The position of the lower central incisor is a key factor in the treatment plan ortodóncico14.

The upper incisor with line

References help determine the horizontal position and inclination. The angle can be$x-YC/  measured by relating the axis of the upper and lower incisors with their apical bases, that is, the upper incisor with (100 to 110 degrees) and the lower incisor to the mandibular orthodontist san diego plane.

Other importantes15 measurements are those that relate the position of the incisors to the above restrictions of their apical bases, that is, A (4 mm and 19 degrees) and the lower incisor to line B (4 mm and 25 degrees) (Fig. 1).

These measurements are in millimeters and in degrees to determine the position and inclination of the incisors. Typically, these values are about orthodontic vocabulary as both class III class II (Fig. 1A and 1B).

Having analyzed the initial horizontal position and inclination of the incisors, a treatment plan must turn around and ideal tilt position that we consider as a target for treatment.

The vertical relationship of the overbite

As a rule, the dental arch discrepancies de7 mm more often require extracciones19 orthodontic treatment. The premolars are the teeth most often extracted. In general, the extraction of the first premolars is indicated in patients with large anterior crowding, protrusion of incisors and/ or excessive lip support.

In these cases it requires a bio mechanical maximum anchorage. The extraction of the second premolars is indicated when there is crowding in the middle of the dental arch, and the position of the upper incisors and lip support is adequate. Should also be considered in cases of minimal or moderate posterior anchorage.

After extraction, the teeth of the middle of the arch are to create the necessary orthodontist san diego correction for anterior crowding and the inclination of the lower incisors space. We use anchor control techniques for controlling the position of the incisors as we close the spaces left by extractions. When the space created in the middle of is directly related to Spee19.

We are dealing with orthodontist san diego

La curve is presented in a very variable depending on the malocclusion that with. When we analyze the curve of we quantify the patient using the following terms: deep or concave, flat, and inverted. We say that a curve of is orthodontist san diego moderately deep when the average depth ranges from los2 and4 mm, while a deep or concave curve of See will have a depth of more de4 mm (Figure 2A.); this is typical of patients with severe overbite.

See flat curve is typical of patients with correct overbite. An inverted curve of is typical of patients with anterior open bites. In order to coordinate the dental arches during surgery it is necessary that the curve of is flat or with slight depth and allow a correct horizontal positioning of surgical bone segments without interference fig.

An orthodontist san diego level curve using light arcs. In this initial phase of treatment the correct placement of bands and brackets is very important.

May occur convex

The orthodontist will use a specially designed appliances for a httpp:// system of forces in equilibrium. When the goal is to get an intrusion of the four incisors, we set a maximum posterior anchorage to avoid later extrusive forces. A force of about 100 g (25 g per tooth) will be sufficient to achieve intrusion of four lower incisors and 150g for the upper incisors.

The orthodontic leveling of the curve of can affect the horizontal position of the lower incisors. To avoid excessive enter, advance (horizontal position) and anterior tilt of the incisors, intrusion must orthodontist san diego bow tie very firmly distal to the posterior segment. The curve of and the compensation curve (curve of the upper arch) or inverted, often due to skeletal anterior open bites origin.

We can level them with a combination of orthodontics and surgery (fig. 3A). This implies a level of orthodontic segments in which the anterior and posterior maxillary segments are corrected independently and the disparity between the anterior and posterior occlusion is orthodontic treatment is to obtain an ideal postoperative mastication, as a balanced orthodontist san diego function contributes to the stability of post-surgical patient. Get a good facial harmony and balance, and alignment of the and facial.

The occlusion to be reflected

Elastic analysis and application of orthodontic forces maxillary is useful for removing offsets of the original dental malocclusion. Ideally, they should be applied in the initial stages of treatment. For example, in patients with class III skeleton with incisor and mandibular incisors maxillary dental such compensation could benefit from the action of orthodontist san diego elastic class II fig.

6A) provided that the case to treat certain extrusion allows the posterior segments. Similarly, patients with Class II Division 2, with typical palatal inclination of the maxillary central incisors, can orthodontic youtube benefit from the action of Class III elastics before surgery (fig. 6A).

In both cases the elastic help improve the relations of the teeth in the arch relative to their skeletal bases. Although initially becoming badly malocclusion with this type of treatment, we compensation in dentition to perform a major surgical movement, increasing post-treatment stability. These measures may orthodontic youtube initially worsen the magnitude of the skeletal problem.

As a balance of orthodontist san diego

Once these objectives we will have after surgery an ideal anterior dental class I as well and facial aesthetic ideals. As shown orthodontist san diego in the combined orthodontic and orthographic surgery, orthodontic objectives, strategy extractions, and the type of applied mechanics, it is often the opposite of what you would in traditional braces. Consequently, we can not consider orthographic surgery as an escape for conventional orthodontic treatments that do not work.

Two or three months before the surgery performed an articulate mounting of study models to determine if orthodontics has achieved on the treatment goals. Analysis of study models can serve to detect transverse discrepancies that have gone unnoticed earlier interference, occlusions and tripod (only contact between incisors and molars) caused by a leveling of the curve of See inadequate. The evaluation of the case at this stage we determine orthodontist san diego the need for more orthodontics.

Just before the surgery performed a new analysis of study models to see if we have achieved a perfect alignment of the dental arch with special attention to the axial inclinations of the anterior and posterior teeth with models in class I. A maxillary incisor too palatially or incomplete occlusion level plane would prevent proper positioning of the jaws in Class I during surgery. Similarly, the existence of inappropriate dental contacts in the occlusion can lead instability immediately after surgery with the risk of making a recurrence of malocclusion.

The upper dental arch

Dental compensation level of the above sectors, hiding transverse discrepancy between and the bottom can be solved by applying more torque to the incisors or often via a light (0.5 mm) cut incisor tooth excess material. The orthodontic expansion or lateral movement of the teeth in the alveolar process earn small amounts of space. This expansion should not exceed los orthodontic youtube o3 mm.

The amount of expansion is limited by the existing tiny amount of alveolar bone on the surfaces. This is important since the orthodontic correction of crowding, no extractions, will increase the orthodontist san diego labial edge incisors and take a more advanced position on the horizontal supporting structures. You need to make withdrawals in the amount of crowding to try orthodontist san diego to exceed the capacity to hold teeth in the dental arch, and/ or when the incisors are too inclined.

The frontal plane can assess

Both can be matched (dental) or surgically (skeletal). The facial midlife clinically obtainable through various references to a patient's face. The middle line selected as goal of treatment should be coincident or in a margin of less than los2 mm with facial to obtain an aesthetically acceptable result.

Maxillary and mandibular apical base are evaluated in a tracing. Point in orthodontist san diego the middle of the roots is seen as the middle line for the respective apical basal orthodontic videos arch. Drawing a line perpendicular to each of these points with orthodontic videos the relative discrepancy of apical midlife.

The symmetry of the dental arch to the mid line and canine region must correspond to the apical and facial symmetry. When the dental mid line is deviated with respect to the mid line apical, this can be corrected by moving the orthodontist san diego incisor orthodontic ally.

A large mandibular dental arch

According to the discrepancy in the length of the dental arch, and of the incisors, to align the mid lines may be necessary to create unilateral extractions or orthodontist san diego tooth spaces to restore symmetry.

If the mean is significantly discrepant apical line regarding dental mid line the best facial or skeletal surgically treat the underlying problem. For an ideal correction of facial asymmetry, maxillary and orthodontic videos mandibular incisors should be aligned with the mid line apical. To assess skeletal transverse dimension level must do an analysis of models (with the help of a semi-adjustable) Class I.

For example, a patient with a skeletal Class III and bilateral posterior cross bite may experience an improvement its transverse relative deficit spontaneously placing models in relation to class I. The axial inclination of the posterior teeth should follow a flat or curved axial shaft should not exceed2 °. Despite a correct axial inclination of the posterior teeth cross bite there we find a transverse skeletal discrepancy.

If the posterior teeth are excessively torqued, orthodontist san diego component will have a cross bite that we treat orthodontic ally. If not identified, we can have a cross bite of skeletal origin camouflaged by compensatory tooth movement. This is due to the action of a force of against a constricted maxillary dental arch.

We can help a orthodontist san diego

The axial inclination of the maxillary posterior teeth is adapted so that the palatal cusp is orthodontic videos in a lower position with respect to its remaining elevated cusps. The surgical rapid palatal expansion is not ideal when skeletal maturity of the patient permits. For bone orthodontist san diego maturation hand and wrist radiography, in which we study the calcification and size ratio between the and of the phalanx of the index finger and calcification.

For mature patients with transverse dimensions outside these narrow limits, the treatment of choice is surgical jaw expansion. The surgical maxillary expansion can be done by a segment maxillary or with a surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion, as indicated by the patient's clinical.

Generally, when a surgical correction is made, the deficit sobrecorrige2 O3 mm transversal21- 22 Insufficient orthodontic videos correction of a transverse deficit will lead to a recurrence of the defect and unstable case. Cross bite of dental origin can be corrected with orthodontics in several ways such as fixed bow with elastic zigzag between arches.